I don’t remember home schooling being such a talked about issue in previous elections. I suspect it wasn’t. But maybe I just wasn’t at a point in my life where I cared. But this time around, it seems like everyone has some opinion on home schooling. I realize it’s not at the forefront and frankly, I’d rather it not be. But nonetheless it’s there and candidates are talking about it. Or at least their wives are.
The Edwards’ Camp Kind Of Sort Of Homeschooling
Recently Elizabeth Edwards sat down to give an interview on the issue. In case you’re wondering why anyone would care what Elizabeth Edwards has to say about home schooling, it’s because they are home schooling their own children this year. Sort of. Kind of.
In her interview, she explained how they are home schooling and why they would choose to do so. Basically, they wouldn’t have had time together as a family while John was on the campaign trail. They saw that allowing their children (who are in 2nd and 4th grade) to watch the elections from a front row seat could have a profound impact on them and decided the opportunity was worth taking.
So they hired a tutor. And they’re using their school’s curriculum so that when the kids go back to public school, they can fit right in. In fact, she said the school is working with them so that when they’re in town, they can go to school lunches and activities–you know, for that socialization benefit.
What Elizabeth Did Wrong
I’m sure the NEA is none to happy with the Edwards camp right now as opposed to Hillary who has all but said she hates the very idea of homeschooling. So I’m fairly sure she’s thrown away teacher union money and political sway by stating that home schooling “has provided her children a wonderful opportunity.” (You know, we don’t want kids to get too ‘hands-on’ of an education.)
But I don’t think the home schooling community is real happy with her either. While I would think (and hope) that the home schooling community would be all about freedom of choice and finding the best fit for your family, she’s essentially said: “Homeschooling is a great option IF you use public school curriculum, or hire a tutor, and make sure they get that socialization.
I really like Elizabeth Edwards. When she speaks I listen–she has a lot of really good things to say. I like that she’s spoken about home schooling positively, (which essentially meant turning down NEA support) but. . .
. . .I hope that her way does not become the “acceptable” way to do home schooling. It’s not a one size fits all proposition.