Ellen Lee DeGeneris was born on January 26, 1958, in Metaire, Louisiana. She is of French, Irish, English and German descent. Known for her trademark blue sneakers, she was voted the “Funniest Person in America” in 1982 and the “Best Female Stand-up” in 1991. For a woman who sold vacuum cleaners before she was discovered, Ellen has come a very long way in the world of comedy and has garnered much respect from both the public and her peers in the industry. She was the very first stand-up guest to be called to the “hot seat” on her first appearance on “Late Night With Johnny Carson.” She has also written two books, “My Point…And I Do Have One” and “The Funny Thing Is…” both of which were on the New York Times best-seller list for months.
She is an entertainer who has had more than her fair share of controversy. She revealed great personal courage when she “came out of the closet” as a lesbian on her show in April of 1997. ABC’s affiliate in Birmingham, Alabama, refused to air the episode and some of the sponsors withdrew their ads. Her self-effacing, under-stated style of humor sets her apart from others of her ilk, and she is so sincere in her timing and delivery that the laughs come almost as an afterthought. She says, “People always ask me if I was funny as a child. I tell them, well, I was an accountant.” She also says in her own inimitable style, “I’m a lesbian, an Aquarian and a vegetarian.”
Well, whatever she is, she is fun to watch, especially after a hard day of serious work stuff. May she reign for as long as she wants to in peace, happiness and humor.
Yea, Ellen! Go, girl!