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Embarking on the Senior Year

I am sure that this will only be the first blog where I share some of my experiences as the parent of a high school senior. Of course, I will try not to bore you with my poetic waxings and emotional carrying on (as if I was the first and last mother to ever have a child grow up and be on the brink of diving into the pool of life), but you may have to indulge me just a bit as we embark on my eldest daughter’s senior year…

Yesterday, my daughter and I had a long chat about all the things that need to be accomplished this year. It wasn’t the sweet, emotional conversation I might have liked—it was more about scholarship applications and International Baccalaureate tests and senior portraits. There seem to be dozens of papers to fill out and an entire calendar to manage—not to mention meetings with guidance counselors and other important people. Where’s all the fun and play that is supposed to go along with the senior year?!

As my daughter shared the list of things that have to be done, I was trying to keep a running tally of the expense. For a public education, it is sure going to cost a pretty penny just to get her diploma! Still, we are trying to celebrate the reality that she has come so far. Since she is a kid who has always been “into” school and is already focused on getting on to college—finishing this senior year seems to be just a hurdle or a stepping stone for her to overcome before getting on with the rest of her life.

Still, we’ve got our list, I’m working on a budget and we are ready to take on…the senior year…(stay tuned to see how we actually manage.)

Also: Buried Under Back-to-School Fees and Parents

What About NEXT School Year?