We have been counseled to live providently. But what exactly does that mean? I am sure that many within the church automatically think of food storage when it comes to provident living, but in reality it means much more. Provident has several definitions, which include planning for the future and frugal living. It is important that we embrace the many definitions of provident living.
The church has counseled us to live within our means. This means to spend less than you make. It also means to avoid going into debt. If you have accumulated debt, it means making the changes in your life so that you can get out of debt. The church has recently encouraged all members to begin to save three to six months worth of money for emergency situations.
The church has counseled us to store food. The new pamphlet put out by the church urges us to store three months of food as quickly as we can. The pamphlet says that the food you store for that three months should be food that your family eats on a regular basis. After you have the three months food storage in place you should begin working on your year’s supply.
Provident living can also mean acquiring the skills necessary to care for your family. These skills cover a wide range of areas. You can learn about car and home repairs, cooking, sewing, shopping economically, and gardening. Pursuing a higher education can also benefit your family so that you can provide for them financially.
Provident living also means planning for the future. This can mean creating a will, buying life insurance, and saving for retirement. It may mean saving for your children’s education as well.
As you embrace the idea of provident living you will find a greater peace in your life. You will be prepared to meet life’s challenges and unexpected events. You can learn more information at www.providentliving.org.
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