Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.” I agree with the statement because one person, driven enough to speak out and act can inspire group think in others. When you have a group that is driven, even a small one of three to four people, you can have three to four times the effect on others.
For example, it takes only one person on the street to really manicure their lawn to inspire their neighbors to do the same. Those neighbors inspire the people next to them and it becomes a ripple effect.
Also, periodically throughout the year when I go to Starbuck’s (I go every day because it’s my one little luxury that I afford myself for writing and working at home) I will pay for the drinks for the people in the car behind me. I don’t know them. They don’t know me. But I’ve been told many times by the Starbuck’s people that this has often created a cascade effect that goes on for as long as the line is packed during rush hour.
The Cascade Effect
It only takes one person to be committed to the idea of change to begin working on that change. It may not happen overnight, but it will happen and it overcomes apathy most times. You can take that commitment to heart to change the things in your life that you wish to have changed whether it’s your fitness choices, your work choices or just your choices in how you live your life.
That is the beauty and the gift of being human – we have choices. What choices have you made that have changed things? Have you been inspired by a small group or one person to commit to a change before?