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Emotional Preparation for School

So it’s a new school year and while as a parent you might be a little excited about your teens going back, they may not feel the same way. Think about it. As your teen gets older, there are new problems and stresses to face.

Classes tend to get more difficult and they are getting that much closer to their future as an adult. They may have had problems last year that they are sure will be worse this year.

It’s important to help prepare your teen. It goes beyond taking them school clothes shopping or making sure you have purchased everything on their supply list.

You need to help your teen prepare emotionally. No one can predict what kind of year it will be.

If anyone had told me what my daughter’s first year of high school was going to be like, I never would have believed it. Last year our family went on a rollercoaster ride that we weren’t prepared for.

This year I feel a bit more ready. Not in the sense that I feel confident I can take on whatever comes my way. But more in the way of realizing that I need to be prepared for the unexpected.

This doesn’t mean I will have the answers or can predict the future. It just means that I can assure my children no matter what this school year brings, I am here for them.

I have worked really hard to earn my teens’ trust. Believe it or not, that doesn’t come easily. Our teens need to know that we have their back and we can be counted on.

Teens face pressures that we aren’t always aware of. But if we can assure them that no matter what they go through, we will be here for them, they stand a better chance at making it through.

Don’t just prepare your teen physically for the new school year. Prepare them emotionally.

Related Articles:

Middle School Can Be Brutal

Mixed Feelings on First Day of School

My Daughter’s Transition to High School

A Smooth Start to the School Year

Photo by dno1967b in Flickr

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.