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End of the Month Check In

Another month has passed and this year is quickly coming to a close. I am certain I was cheated out of a few months this year as I am finding it hard to believe November is coming to a close. If you asked me I would say we were still in September. Time goes by so fast!

November presented a special challenge as anyone dieting has just made it through Thanksgiving. How was your Thanksgiving? Did you overindulge or simply enjoy a slice of pie? Did you focus more on the spirit of the holiday and not the state of your weight? Please do not allow your weight to keep you from enjoying life and holidays. It’s okay to have fun and eat your great aunt Mabel’s chocolate cake, just be wise.

So how have you been doing working out this past month? I am still recovering from my knee injury which is putting me very far behind this year. It is frustrating and I can almost feel my body gaining pound after pound due to not being able to work out. However, in just a few weeks I should be back on track and able to begin a modified work out routine. I cannot wait to start working out again and feeling great!

So what did we learn this month? We discussed children being put on diets, Happy Meals possibly not offering toys, low fat options like Holey Donuts, and plenty of recipes to add to your collection. I personally find recipes key in turning a dieter into someone living a different lifestyle. I hope you had fun reading and learning this month. If you have a recipe you want to share or a success story please let me know and maybe you will be featured! Just email me at talktorichele@gmail.com, I would love to hear from you.

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.