As single parents people often pass judgments and say unkind things about us. While I think this happens to everybody, we become more acutely aware of it as single parents. Our character is often called into question by people who don’t even know us and for no other reason than the fact that we are single. Our parenting is questioned, our lifestyle examined, and our decisions criticized by both people who know us and people who don’t time and time again.
Over the last couple of months I have felt the heat of these judgments from people who once knew me very well and thought very highly of me, but due to the current circumstances have changed their views drastically. My ex has also said some very unkind things lately. It amazes me how he can remember our marriage so differently. While I know the truth, it is still hard when others question it. Remember that just because someone says something about you doesn’t make it true. You know the truth, and that is what really matters.
Having your character put to the test like this can be extremely painful. You know who you are and you want others to know that too, but often have no other way to show that to them. Enduring to the end takes on a whole new meaning when you are suffering. It may seem as if there is no end in sight; that you will be surrounded by darkness forever. Not so. Though you may feel consumed by the pain that so often accompanies divorce, know that this pain will not last forever. Don’t let yourself feel discouraged. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, you only have to endure. One day at a time; one step at a time; that is all you need.