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Enter Charlie’s “Tuna Pouch Friday’s” Sweepstakes

StarKist tuna StarKist wants you to start thinking of Fridays as the day that you have tuna for lunch. They have created a sweepstakes called “Tuna Pouch Fridays”. There will be prizes awarded at the end of every week from now through April 6, 2012. Someone will win an ultimate spa experience for two!

StarKist is the company that has a cartoon mascot named “Charlie the Tuna”. He has been around for a little over fifty years now, and has appeared in many commercials for StarKist. You probably have heard the phrase “Sorry, Charlie” before. It was popularized by the StarKist tuna commercials.

There was a time when StarKist tuna only came in cans. It wasn’t that long ago that the company started to package their tuna in sealed pouches. Several other companies are also using that same, new, packaging method. I have heard it said that the pouches are incredibly convenient to use, when compared to the cans. You will never need a can opener in order to be able to open up a tuna pouch.

Tuna fish is a key ingredient that can be used in order to make a really easy lunch. Mix up some tuna with a little bit of mayonnaise. Toast some bread. This is all you need for a tasty tuna sandwich. Or, you can eat the tuna on crackers, instead. I’ve heard that tuna is one of the foods that is supposed to be “good for you”.

Right now, you can enter Charlie’s Tuna Pouch Fridays Sweepstakes. In order to enter, you need to go to the StarKist Facebook page. You don’t actually have to purchase any StarKist tuna products in order to enter the sweepstakes. My best guess is that StarKist is hoping that this sweepstakes will make a whole lot of people suddenly start thinking of Friday as the day that they will eat a tuna sandwich for lunch.

There will be a total of seven prizes that will be awarded to the lucky people who win the sweepstakes. One prize will be awarded at the end of each week, until the sweepstakes ends in April of 2012. I think that you will need to enter the sweepstakes each week, in order to be included in the contest.

On Friday, February 24, 2012, someone will win a FujiFilm XP20 digital camera bundle and mini tripod. This prize is worth $300. On March 9, 2012, someone will win a Free Office Lunch, which will consist of 25 StarKist branded lunch totes, 25 $10 gift cards, and coupons for StarKist pouch products. This prize is worth $670.

The prize that will be given away on March 16, 2012, is a personal training session, worth $1,000. This will give the winner one session a week, with a personal trainer in your area, for three months. On March 23, 2012, the prize will be a Body-Solid Best Fitness Sportsman gym, and a Body-Solid Best Fitness upright bike. This prize is worth $1,120.

On March 30, 2012, someone will win two Trek Hybrid Bikes and two Starkist Branded jerseys. This prize is worth $2,500. Finally, the biggest prize will be awarded on April 6, 2012. Someone is going to win a Ritz – Carlton Club floor Ultimate Spa Experience for two. This prize is worth $4,950.

Image by theimpulsivebuy on Flickr