Going into high school can be an exciting time for any student but it can also be a scary time. It is no secret that most eighth graders are apprehensive about entering high school. In most cases, high schools are larger than their local junior high. New students fear getting lost and not being able to find their classes. There are usually more students as well as more teachers to deal with. All in all, starting high school can be quite stressful. Here are some tips that parents can use to help make this transition easier on their child:
Take advantage of orientation. Most high schools offer freshman orientation a week or so before school starts. Incoming freshman will be given their class schedule as well as a tour of the campus. This is a great time to walk around campus making note of important places such as the cafeteria, restrooms, lockers, and classrooms. If your child’s school does not offer an orientation, take your child to the school several days before it starts in order to get familiar with the campus.
Get a copy of the student handbook and read it from cover to cover. This is extremely important. It specifically spells out all school policies and procedures. Your child will feel more confident knowing exactly what is expected of them.
Volunteer to drive carpool the first day of school. Your child will appreciate the fact that they don’t have to arrive at school alone. Having a group of friends to hang out with until class starts will help ease their apprehension.
Finally, encourage your child to get involved. High school can be a wonderful experience. There are so many opportunities to learn new skills and meet new people allowing your child to grow and mature with each new experience. Your son or daughter may enter high school as a child but watch out – in four short years, they will graduate as an adult!
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