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Entertaining: Planning a Progressive Dinner

Do you enjoy having dinner with friends? Do you like to make an evening out of it? Are you tired of the same old get-togethers or tired of always hosting the dinner yourself? Try something a little different next time. Have a progressive dinner instead. You can go all out and make it a semi-formal event, dressing for dinner, and pulling out the linen napkins, or it can be something casual.

1. Choose friends that live close enough to one another that there is not an exceptionally long drive between homes. The longest distance should likely be traveled after the entrée to allow some time to pass before the next course.

2. Since you are the one planning the event, you should offer to host the largest course, generally the entrée.

3. Plan the entire meal, consulting with everyone else involved. For example, decide in advance if the first course includes cocktails, appetizers, or both. Decide if after dinner drinks and desserts should be hosted at the same home or two separate homes.

4. If cocktails are served with one or more courses, suggest that each couple or guest determine a designated driver.

5. Go over the items to be served and who will host each course, making sure each course is compatible with the next. Also, make sure others are aware of foods that present allergy related or other dietary problems.

6. This is a great opportunity to try new or unusual fare, but it is generally a good idea to test recipes at home before attempting to make them for a dinner party.

7. Make sure you have the appropriate utensils to serve each food. Provide seafood forks if necessary, etc.

8. If you plan to serve something that is particularly unique, rich, or spicy, it is a good idea to offer a simple alternative for those who might not be as daring.