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Erectile Dysfunction- Not Just a Problem in the Bedroom

Erectile dysfunction is not just all about sex or the lack of it. According to recent report it erectile dysfunction may be symptomatic of even more serious problem It can often be an early warning signal for heart problems and diabetes, experts say.

Sadly the link between erectile dysfunction and heart disease or diabetes is not well enough understood. The reason is too many men are reluctant to go and see a doctor and admit they need help. It is a seen by them as some sort of slur on their manhood rather than a health issue.

A report issued in the Medical journal of Australia has shown that men 20 years and older who suffer erectile dysfunction have also had more than twice the customary amount of cardiovascular problems. Co-incidence? It would seem not.

Of those men over 55, 2 percent suffered a major stroke within a year and 11 percent within the next five years. This surely must give any wife cause for alarm.

Researchers would also like to see mandatory glucose testing introduced, so those suffering diabetes could be detected earlier and treated.

So if you and your husband are having trouble in the bedroom area, the best thing you can do is encourage them to go to the doctor and see about it as there may be a more insidious underlying problem.

Of course getting men to go to the doctor is not always as easy as it sounds. They seem to see it as a sign of weakness to admit they need medical help.

If you let them know it is because you love them and that far more serious issues could be behind problems then you might just be able to encourage them to go and seek treatment, which will be better for you both in the marriage and put your mind at rest instead of worrying about them.

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