Many of the cleaning products available on the market today are just fine, but some of the ones you can make for yourself can be even better. At least when you make your own you can be sure of its contents, which can be either good or bad. Why make your own, you ask? Well, that’s a good question, and maybe the answer lies in the fact that by doing so you are demonstrating your creativity and control over the dust and dirt in your home that has taken over and will soon be running for office. Between elections, consider the following:
Scouring Cleaners.
Make your own by sprinkling salt on the surface to be cleaned and rubbing it with a cloth dipped in lemon juice or distilled white vinegar.
Dental products with double lives that aren’t spies.
Use a small toothbrush to remove foods from your grater. You will find that whether you have your own teeth or no, the bristles are just the right size and stiffness for the job. Dental floss can be helpful too, especially when it comes to cleaning between the blades of awkward utensils such as pizza cutters and can openers.
New and different scrapers even if you have bad credit.
A plastic membership or credit card works really well to remove hardened build-up in pots and pans and is a great way to save money. You can’t use the card now even if you want to, and if you fear testing yourself, use an expired one. This way you can agree with Oscar Wilde who once said: “I can resist everything but temptation.”
Vitamin C for your stubborn stains.
Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges and limes, when freshly squeezed, make good all-purpose cleaners. A stale lemon or lime is a great mouthwash for garbage disposals as well. Simply mix the juice with water and… stand back.
Do YOU have any unexpected cleaning tips? Please share.
Related Reading:
“Some Unexpected Household Hints”,f392