Next time you plan an event no matter how much of a budget you are working with take a trip to the dollar store. The more money you save your clients or the more money you put into an event the more popular you will become. If a client has a simple $300 budget for a birthday party you can throw an amazing party and give them more than they could expect if you are a creative dollar store hound. Make sure you take a stroll the dollar store in between parties to catch some great finds as well.
Will my party look cheap if I use dollar store items?
We all know that dollar stores often carry cheap items. My children insist on purchasing a dollar toy that breaks within hours or a few days of bringing it home. Most of the toys look like cheap knock offs. However, you can also find some amazing finds that you will not believe came from a dollar store. Add in some creativity and you will make a masterpiece for only a few dollars.
For instance, check out the invitations. Find something simple and cute and then add ribbon or rhinestones or a detail to make it pop. Volia, a pack of invitations that look customized for only a few dollars. You can find silk flowers for decorating purposes, candy, Styrofoam, moss, plates, balloons, and a variety of cute things for goodie bags for children.
My last party was a huge success and almost everything I used was from the dollar store. I found a roll of tulle, butterflies for floral arrangements, crafts for kids, flower pots, paper lanterns, streamers, and the cutest little wicker purses for party favors. I used items to transform items I already had or I transformed the dollar store item to look amazing. You do not have to bust a budget to make a great party. Visit your dollar store and see what you can transform from dollar store find to dollar store fabulous.