Sometimes it can be very difficult to try to figure out what contributes to whether it is going to be a good day or a challenging day around here. We have both good and tough days when we stay home most, if not all of the day. We also have both excellent days when we are on the go all day long and very difficult times when we are out and about. It is entirely possible that there is no rhyme or reason to it, so perhaps I should just stop trying to figure it out and simply let the days happen as they will.
If you are the parent of a toddler, you might be able to relate to the huge differences that can occur from one day to the next. For example, yesterday was one of those days where by ten in the morning, I was already thinking “is it bedtime yet?” There were many moments where I felt like I could not meet everyone’s needs all at once, including my own. You know, those moments when you have to change the baby’s diaper and your toddler declares that he needs a snack “right now” and hounds you about it as you try to change the wiggly little baby as quickly as you can so that you can get right on that. The moments where you have fed the baby and the toddler (after multiple failed attempts) and you are desperately hungry, yet your toddler says that they “need” you in the playroom even though you are trying to finally eat something yourself. It was just one of those days. Eventually it ended, the kids went to bed, and that was that.
Today was drastically different. Everyone woke up cheerful, ate the first breakfast that I prepared, and played nicely. We enjoyed some time playing inside, then outside. The day just had sort of a natural flow to it, a flow that I really enjoyed. I got some cooking projects done and a little cleaning too, all without feeling like I was neglecting the kiddos. Dylan had a lot of fun, and we shared many laughs and smiles while we all played. We all ate well, and I was able to eat when I was hungry without being hounded about when I would be finished. Bedtime took a little longer than it should have due to some stalling on Dylan’s part, but after such a wonderful and non – stressful day I was able to handle it without feeling upset.
Do your days differ drastically from one day to the next? Have you ever pinpointed the cause, or do you just go with the flow?