As a good friend reminded me yesterday, working hard is great and it makes you dependable and reliable. These are fantastic qualities in the people in our lives – when we know we can rely on them and we can depend on them. But those who work hard and who populate the hours of their life with commitments and things to be done forget that along with working hard – taking down time is of equal importance. It’s important that our families can depend on us to not be so overworked and stressed that we forget what it is like to just relax and have fun with them.
Fitness is Inside as Well As Outside
Exercise is important to the fitness of the body and the mind and at the same time so is rest and relaxation. When we take the time of ease with our families, we get to enjoy their laughter, their stories and their activities without feeling like we are taking too much time away from all those things we need to do.
For those of us who work at home, taking this down time can be even more difficult – well, difficult isn’t the right word. The perception of difficulty is the problem. My home office is just a dozen steps from my bedroom, a half dozen from my living room and right around the corner from my daughter’s bedroom. It’s right there – waiting for me and reminding me that I need to be in there getting things done.
Taking Care of Myself for My Family
Though the work is right there waiting, getting it done will achieve one goal for my family. It will bring in financial support that will help us to pay the bills and get food and more. But if it’s all I ever do – then I lose the greatest joy of being in my family – that is sharing time with my family and sharing the joy of being with them.
Whether you work inside or outside the home, whether you work in a form of employment or you are a stay at home parent who cares for the family’s needs – don’t forget to care for each other and for your family and for yourself. If you didn’t take any down time yesterday or take a day off yesterday — today is that day.
Walk away from the computer, walk away from the chores and go take a few hours where you can all play together. I did this yesterday afternoon and I plan to do it again today. Will you take some downtime and a day off?
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Fitness Essentials: Your Mindset
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