I am going to go out on a limb here and say that some secrets are necessary and healthy. In a busy family–especially one with several members and multiple siblings–it can seem as though everything is an open book and privacy and holding on to some “personal stuff” can seem impossible. I think that every child needs a safe and secret place to stash his or her mementos, treasures, papers, and diaries–out of the prying eyes of other family members…
My kids are so close together in age that just about everything ended up as joint property–clothes, shoes, toys, books–you name it–it all got passed around and used by everyone. This made the urge and need to have some privacy and some special treasures so important. When we can’t guarantee privacy in a bustling household, we need to build a code of honor around respecting each person’s need to have some secrets. I’m not talking dangerous misbehaviors or harmful secrets here, I’m talking about love letters and diaries and favorite toys or stories. Having a private box or basket or chest where ownership is obvious and respected to keep sacred mementos in is important for every family member.
Containers and vessels don’t have to be fancy to be sacred. Who among us hasn’t stashed some pretty amazing treasures in a shoe box? But, sturdy, decorated storage boxes are relatively cheap and I got one recently that had a little pocket on the lid where one could insert one of the included initials to really make it personal. Letting kids know that they have a special place to hide their treasures that no one (and this means parents too!) is going to snoop into, lets them know that you encourage and respect their privacy–AND their right to secret, sacred dreams and memories.
See Also: Seven Other Uses For Wallpaper and Lift Your Spirits With a Happy Box