If you have not ventured on to Pinterest, what are you waiting for? Or maybe, stay away, you’ll get sucked in and never leave. I feel both ways about Pinterest.
When I have a tough cleaning job, I turn to Pinterest. Dawn dish detergent and vinegar are the best soap scum removers on the planet. If not for Pinterest I’d still be scrubbing away.
Some of the things that are on there sound good, but are really not all they claim to be. Have you ever tried cleaning a shower door with a dryer sheet? Don’t do it, I don’t care what the pin says, it doesn’t work. You really have to sort through the tips and tricks to find ones that work for you, but they are there, keep looking.
My friends and I joke about our Pinterest addiction, but your really can find anything on there. We are planning a Cinco De Mayo party and texts were flying, who is going to make what, bring what. One text said, “Anyone have a good recipe for Mexican rice?” The responding texts were all the same, “No, but I’ll find one on Pinterest. We started laughing but it’s true.
Pinterest has become a way to find anything. Activities for the kids, decorations for showers and birthday parties, ideas for dinner, ways to organize just about everything and let’s not forget all those funny quotes.
So today I need to do something about my grout. Someone told me you are supposed to remove and replace it every year or so. Who knew? Certainly not me considering my bathrooms have the same grout the was here when I bought the house.
It’s looking pretty bad though so I’m going to head on over to Pinterest and find a solution. I’ll let you know how it goes.