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Exam Etiquette

Unless you have faced a major illness earlier in life, it’s more than likely that you will visit the doctor as many times during your pregnancy, if not more, than you have in your entire life. Pregnancy checkups occur monthly at first, and by the end of your pregnancy, they happen weekly and sometimes twice a week depending on your level of risk. With such frequent visits, you should probably be aware of the rules, some unspoken, of what you should do and not do when you are in for a checkup.

Be clean. Someone once told me that it is amazing how many women show up for a pelvic exam and it is clear that they have not showered. Always brush your teeth before going to the dentist. Always shower before going to the gynecologist. It’s only fair! While hygiene is essential, pretty grooming is not. There is no need to shave or wax before a checkup. Your doctor does not care if you have stubble on your legs or anywhere else.

Be on time. Doctors are on a tight schedule. When his office kindly asks you to show up to your appointment ten minutes early, do so! If every patient is a few minutes late, by the afternoon, your doctor is running an hour behind. Not only does he have to work later than expected, but his afternoon patients will have the displeasure of sitting in the waiting room for an extended period of time. On the same token, if you cannot make it to your appointment, call and cancel as soon as possible so another person can take your spot on the schedule.

Be prepared. Write out your questions ahead of time so that you can give them to the nurse while she checks your weight, blood pressure, etc. This way she can give them to the doctor right away and he will have time to address all your concerns without you feeling rushed. No question is too small or too silly, but dragging out an appointment because you cannot remember what you were going to ask (it’s on the tip of your tongue!) is impolite to the patients who waiting for their appointment.

As with anything else, it is always best to use common sense and be courteous!

This entry was posted in Doctors & Midwives by Kim Neyer. Bookmark the permalink.

About Kim Neyer

Kim is a freelance writer, photographer and stay at home mom to her one-year-old son, Micah. She has been married to her husband, Eric, since 2006. She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, with a degree in English Writing. In her free time she likes to blog, edit photos, crochet, read, watch movies with her family, and play guitar.