Well we contacted my sister in law this week to give her one more chance to get together and do a gift exchange among the cousins who are ages 4,9, 10 & 12. Her reply is what we expected it was a big fat NO. Well actually she said if we agree to do it the way that she wants it with her parents then yes she will but other than that NO.
Ok so why should we have to conform to what they want and force our kids to do Christmas with everyone and not just the grandparents? I really do not understand no one made her ruler of all holiday celebrations.
From her email that she sent it sounds like she will only get together with us if her parents are present. Does this sound strange to anyone else but me? Are siblings not supposed to want to hang out? From the way her email read that from now to eternity unless we agree to do it with everyone she won’t have anything to do with our family and I am a little sad for my husband and kids but for me I am 100% fine with it. I always joke with my husband the only thing his family wants out of our family is him. They may take the kids but not really.
In response to asking if she wanted to do a cousin gift exchange she did say we could meet and drop presents off for the cousins in a parking lot! We did not want to make the decision for the kids and so we asked them. They already knew that they were not going to celebrate Christmas with them; they did not send a card or call our daughter on her birthday. Now granted we did tell them if they were not going to celebrate Christmas with us not to come to the party but she could have picked up the phone to call.
The answer we got from the kids was rather shocking to me; all three of them said to have her keep her presents for them because if she did not want to visit with them why bother bringing gifts. I am so proud of the kids most kids would have gone for anything for a present route but not ours. I guess they are tired of feeling like an afterthought from that side of the family. I feel bad about it but they understand as much as kids their age can.
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I want new grandparents for my kids