Do you hate exercise? Would you attend a meeting for exercise haters anonymous? Do you feel ashamed of the fact that you hate exercise, but not enough to push yourself into an exercise program? Do your palms get sweaty when other people talk about personal trainers? Does your heart race when you hear people making plans for hitting the gym?
Well, relax. To be perfectly honest, exercise in and of itself doesn’t sound appealing. If you live in a world where you are constantly crunching time and finding five minutes to yourself is an onerous task, then trying to set aside an hour for exercise must sound impossible. But it’s not – and the following six-step program might help you overcome your exercise hate.
First and foremost, remember that all the studies done on healthy living include daily exercise. Studies have shown that it exercise helps keep you young, it improves your heart, it fights obesity and it strengthens your immune system. Studies also show that exercise releases endorphins that boost your mood and your mental health.
So let’s be blunt, no matter how much you hate exercise, you hate the best thing that can ever happen to you. Try the following six steps to find something to like about exercise, even if you hate it:
- Pick an activity you enjoy – if you hate running, it’s the last thing you should be doing. If you like window-shopping, take up power walking at the mall, you’ll get in your exercise and your window shopping at the same time. When you enjoy something, you are far more likely to repeat it, so if you’re not sure what you enjoy – then try a lot of different things until you find one that you do.
- Do your workouts in the morning – studies indicate people that exercise in the morning are more likely to stick with their exercise programs. It’s easy to put it off the later you leave it in the day, but if you get up and exercise first thing, you’re done it
- Pick some reasonable goals for yourself – Don’t concentrate on things like counting numbers on a scale, instead – target a dress size you want to fit into or an energy level you want to have or perhaps you’d like to write a book – believe it or not, daily exercise may just help you achieve that
- Get your spouse, sibling or best friend in on the act – having someone partner you in your fitness gives you companionship, inspiration and accountability – not to mention it’s harder to blow off a friend or a relative than it is just to blow off a workout
- Keep a journal – detail how different things make you feel, keep track of your ups and your downs, it may be the best way to reinforce your own experience
- Read the Fitness Blog every day for how to tips, inspiration and ideas – remember, this is key – you are not alone
Tell me, think you can follow these six steps?
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