Dating after a divorce is hard. Back in the good old days when you broke up, there could be a clean break. Once you ended things you never had to see them again. When you’re divorced it’s a whole different ball game. Your ex is a part of your life whether you like it or not. You see them and talk to them frequently because it is your job to co-parent your children together. Just because you aren’t married anymore, doesn’t mean you don’t still have to communicate with each other. In fact, in many ways I think my ex and I talk more now than we did when we were married.
When you begin dating again it can be difficult trying to balance everything with the ex. It can make current relationships complicated because no matter what you still have to be in contact with someone who used to be a huge part of your life, and in many ways still is. It takes a strong person to understand the dynamics of the relationship and to understand that no matter what, your ex is always going to be there. It can make some men uncomfortable. Likewise, if you are dating someone who is divorced you inevitably have to come to terms with the same things.
In order for this to work, you both have to be secure in the relationship, knowing that while the ex is still a big part of their life, things are over between them for a reason. You have to be fully committed to each other. If you ever start feeling insecure about your significant other’s relationship with their ex make sure you communicate it with them. Quite frankly I think we all feel that from time to time and need the reassurance from each other. It can be a complicated situation, but as time goes on, it really doesn’t have to be.