Dealing with an ex-spouse can sometimes be frustrating. After all you had a child or children together but the marriage failed. It most likely did not fail because the two of you are able to get along well together and come to agreement where children are concerned. In most cases there was a conflict situation and disagreements on important issues, enough to deaden the relationship. So, when forced to communicate with the ex regarding the children it can still feel emotional and frustrating at times.
In an ideal world we would all be able to get a long with our ex- spouses for the sake of the kids. It makes life easier all around. When there are clear expectations of everyone’s roles then everyone tends to be on the same page and week’s visitation and scheduling are smooth. However, when there are communication issues or an uncooperative ex-spouse how quickly the smoothness turns in to a rocky uphill climb.
It is important when devising a custody agreement that both you and your ex-spouse come to an agreement on visitation. Personally my ex-husband and I came to an agreement of visitation but put an alternative in the custody agreement to protect us both should the other decide to get ugly at some point. We have been fortunate enough to be able to communicate regarding visitation but still experience hiccups when it comes to issues that arise that are out of the norm.
For instance sick days. It is up to me to make sure my daughter is cared for when she is ill and cannot attend pre-school. My ex-husband will not take time off work to care for her if she is ill. This type of situation used to upset me a great deal as a single parent because of the pressure I felt from my place of employment when I had to take off. Of course I would do it because I love my child and want to care for her. It was important for me to let go of expectations I had of my ex to help me in situations like that and just understand that I could not rely on him for such responsibilities.
Whatever the situation, if you are finding it difficult to deal with an ex-spouse seek the advise and help of friends and family for support. There are also single parenting groups that you can look into as well.
When A Divorced Mom and Dad Disagree