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Extreme Homeschool Objections: Parents with Suspect Motivations

This series of homeschool objections was inspired by a vlog that very calmly and rationally mentioned a objections to homeschools by someone who also had many concerns with schools. His perfect school would be community based, but not home based.

I have previously addressed the objection of Qualifications. The next objection I would like to address are motivations to homeschool.

Apparently, it is a problem that parents who give birth to, clothe, love, and nurse their children should not be able to pass down their values to their children. Individual values should be replaced with teaching kids to be considerate, and obey rules. General rules would be do not kill people, and don’t steal. Once again the majority of homeschoolers do teach broad values and also go as far as to teach beyond these basic rules values that will turn out an excellent citizen. Still people are concerned about extreme issues such as teaching children to hate people that are different from them, or to be “gasp” too attached to Christian Values. The claim is that by attending public school, the child can be socialized to question the values of his or her parents and therefore the values of the parent will have less of an affect on a child’s upbringing.

While cases of hate and prejudices taught by homeschooling parents do exist. Few people, homeschooled or not makes it into their 20’s without questioning and/or rebelling against all that their parents hold dear. Besides most homeschoolers know that you would have to remove all televisions, computers, books, and radios from the home prevent children from absorbing knowledge that would make them question radical teachings.

Read the homeschool glossaries to get started educating yourself on homeschooling.

*Have a question about homeschooling? Just ask.

* Have you seen the homeschooling curriculum glossary?