I do not mean to imply that frustration is the sole challenge of the single parent, but I do think it can be a frequent occurrence in our harried lives. How we learn to deal with frustration can help us to grow and develop as an individual and become a stronger and more competent parent…
Frustration can feel like extreme disappointment–we are unhappy with the results or our efforts or how things are going; we really wanted it to go differently and we are frustrated by the reality. Frustration can also feel like a big roadblock–there is something or someone who is getting in the way of us getting where we want to go. We may not get that raise we have been working for or the offer we made on the house might get turned down. These are inevitable, everyone deals with these sorts of situations, and there is often nothing we can do about it.
I believe that we can minimize our feelings of frustration simply by choosing not to indulge them. I know that this sounds incredibly simple and you may think that I am trying to generate ideas that we are all more powerful than we are, but think about it. We really CAN choose whether to react to a disappointing situation with anger and frustration or to take a more relaxed approach. Humor can be a good tool to combat the growing frustration, as can trying to be more patient and understanding. If you are growing frustrated with something someone else is saying or doing, it can be helpful to take a good look at the roots of those feelings and see if there isn’t another way that you can react. Disappointments, changes, and roadblocks are a reality in life, but we do have some choices in how we respond.
Also: What do You Do with Anger and Frustration?