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Fairy Dust and Politics

Walt Disney World, like any other major corporation, has its own agenda. If it takes giving free Disney World trips to Congressmen and their families, so be it.

Apparently, from 2001 to 2007, Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando have made over half a million dollars worth of in-kind political contributions in the way of free tickets, food, drinks and hotel rooms. That is just a drop in the bucket compared to $1.5 million in direct (cash) political contributions.

Contrary to popular belief, Republicans are not the only party that receives donations from big business. Democrats have been receiving their share as well. In fact, Walt Disney World hosted a $125,000 event for the Democratic Party at Disney’s Yacht & Beach Club resort in October of 2007. That qualifies as the largest in-kind donation from either theme park.

Anyone who has had a glimpse of political life will accept all of this as par for the course but most Americans don’t realize how much money major companies will spend to get the attention of Congress and, more importantly, get Congress to see things their way. It is not at all uncommon for a major company like Disney, the king of the Florida tourist industry, to throw millions of dollars around to get the attention of lawmakers.

A Disney spokesperson will tell you that hosting political events gives them a chance to teach lawmakers and other elected officials about their business. A political fundraiser will simply tell you that they’re just being good corporate citizens. What a Congressman won’t tell you is that it is a great way to get a free family vacation to Walt Disney World!

What do you think? Is this a necessary evil for doing business in America? Is it an abuse of power by those in Congress who reap the benefits and perquisites of their position?

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