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Fall Cleaning?

A serious bout of spring-cleaning can test the patience of even the neatest neat freak, so why are we talking about fall cleaning? Well, this is as good a time as any to start preparing for those cold winter months and holiday guests, and some of those spring cleaning tips come in handy.

It’s not like I plan to start putting up Christmas lights any time soon, but I do like to start planning, getting organized, and doing some cleaning, so I am not overwhelmed when special occasions or guests begin to arrive.

I am far from being a neat freak, but I’m looking at cobwebs and thinking, they have to go. After having the windows open as much as possible during mild temperatures, I’ve got some serious dust and cobwebs. Living on a dirt road will do that to you.

I really need to dust my ceiling. I’m ashamed to admit it, but it’s not just the corners right now. There is actual dust on the center of my ceiling. I like to blame it on the ceiling fan and the dirt road, but I guess I have to take some of the blame myself since I haven’t climbed up there to wipe it down. I really hadn’t noticed until I took a good look around, but now that it’s staring me in the face, I’ll have to actually do something about it.

Wow, I am so looking forward to cleaning! Well, not so much really, but I do look forward to the good feeling I’ll get when it’s done. I guess it’s overdue and it’s time to get busy. I’ll not only be able to enjoy a nice clean house but I can also get better organized before the holidays sneak up on me. I certainly don’t want to be dusting the ceiling when it’s time to start decorating and doing the fun stuff, so I think I’ll pencil it in for this weekend. It’s supposed to be nice weather, so maybe I can open the windows.

Hopefully, all that fresh air will then tempt me out into the yard, because it could use some clean up too. I might even rake a few leaves.


Hiring a Cleaning Service or Person

Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring Cleaning: Ready, Set, Go!