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Families.com Marriage Blog Makes a Top 100 List

This morning when I checked my emails I was greeted with a nice surprise. A lady named Fiona King had written to tell me that her website (I believe it’s called Nerds Do It Better which is somehow connected/sponsored by/or otherwise affiliated with 100BestDatingSites) had posted an article called “Ask the Experts: 100 Best Blogs for Relationship Advice.” She thought it might be something I thought Families.com readers would find interesting, and also pointed out the Families.com Marriage Blog had made the list.

Yes, you read that right, you awesome Marriage Blog devotees. You helped put us on a Top 100 map!

I think it’s safe to say (though I’ll take full responsibility if they disagree) that writers who have contributed to this blog over the years, like my current co-blogger Lyn Newton, Sherry Holetzky, and the uber prolific Heather Long, (along with those who guest blog from time to time) are much appreciated to be recognized in such a fashion.

But we owe any success to you guys. We have awesome, dedicated readers who interact with us daily and give us plenty of feedback and guidance about which kind of articles they like seeing most. Or ones they’d like to see more of.

The Article

It was broken down into different categories: From the True Experts, Relationship Therapy, Faith-Based and Spiritual Blogs, Sex, For Women, For Men, and Wedding and Marriage (this is where we landed!).

Here’s how the article described our blog: “Familes.com hosts the Marriage Blog, full of relationship advice, anecdotes and more helpful resources.”


Who We’re Rubbing Elbows With

I was psyched about making the list as it was, but then I saw who we were keeping company with.

“Like who?” you may be wondering.

Well, Oprah Relationships for one. But also the Marie Claire Dating Blog, WebMD Men’s Health, and Dr. Helen Fisher’s The Nature of Love. Just to name a few. There are over 90 other awesome blogs we were included with!

Hats Off to You

Please take a moment in reveling with me over this very cool recognition. And then take your right hand (or left if that’s your dominant hand), reach it over your left shoulder (or right, if appropriate) and pat a few times.

You’ve earned it!

Recent Favorite Marriage Blogs (based on stars readers have given them)

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Wedding Cancellations and Break-Ups

Recession Proof Your Marriage: Dinner

Witness to a Marriage Miracle

Make Yourself a Priority

Trying to “Keep up with the Jones”

Without the Children: Would You Have Anything Left to Talk About?

What Love Is: Learning Long Marriage Secrets from Families.com Members

The Widow’s Email