If you are a working parent or parent – to – be and you are thinking of making the switch to home – based work or a home – based business so that you can be home with the kids, that is great. Many home – based professionals are able to successfully combine working with parenting. If you are wondering what kinds of home – based jobs or businesses work best for stay at home parents, here are a pair of ideas to get you started.
One easy idea for home – based work that fits in with family life is caring for other people’s children. Whether you babysit one or two children or open a small in – home daycare center is up to you and depends upon your educational background, financial resources, potential client base, and most importantly the needs of your family. Some parents find that this works great for their family and their children enjoy having other kids to play with. For other families it is not a good fit because for whatever reason, the parent feels that they do not get to spend enough one on one time with their own children or the children do not get along.
If your children are a little older and can help you without it being more trouble than help, you may want to start a business selling hand made food or craft items. For both types of items, you have some local selling options at farmers’ markets and local stores as well as the option of selling online through web sites like Etsy. If your children are small or if they are not interested in helping you make your food or craft products, you can always do your work at night after they go to bed. If cooking or crafting is a hobby of yours, this may be a fun way to make a little money while enjoying yourself.