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Family Fun New Year’s Eve Celebrations

With December 31st fast approaching are you ready to ring in the New Year? I’m not, in fact I’ve gone and gotten my days mixed up. I was thinking that Monday was December 31st! I normally don’t plan or attend any special celebrations but I wanted this year to be special. Tyler is older now and can stay up longer so I decided that this year we would celebrate. Making the decision to have a celebration was the easy part, deciding on what the celebration would entail is the hard part.

After a bit of research I decided to keep it simple. A few party hats, some streamers and a few good movies to watch while we wait for the ball to drop. I also decided that we would bake (and eat) a confetti cake and I would make a special punch. I’m thinking non-alcoholic champagne and sherbet. Not sure what it’s going to taste like but I think I will give it a try.

During my research I ran across a few other interesting family-oriented celebrations that I would like to share.

(1) Have a progressive party. If you don’t mind driving from house to house you’ll love this one. Each participant prepares a course. So one house would serve appetizers, one would serve salad, one would have the main course and one would serve dessert.

(2) Make a time capsule by placing items in a shoe box that you can open and reminisce about next year.

(3) If your family has a tendency to fall asleep before the ball drops, set alarms throughout the house to go off at midnight.

(4) Here’s a fun idea– host a pajama party. Have all guest, kids and parents, dress in their pj’s and come on over for a night of fun. Decorate your house with streamers and balloons, order pizza, play games or watch movies. You can also make a cake, add some candles and blow them out at midnight.

(5) Can’t stay up till midnight? Consider hosting a New Year’s Day Brunch. Invite a few close friends and family members over for a special holiday meal. A great way to welcome the New Year.

See also:

Family New Year’s Eve Party

New Years Eve Project

A family New Year’s Eve