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Family Game Night: Part One

Family Game Night has become a tradition in my home. At least once a month we all get together and play board games. In my homeschool, we play board games about once a week for an afternoon break. We love all kinds of games from thinking games, serious games, educational games, fun games and games that elicit uncontrolled laughter. We are also a very competitive family and love games that have strategy rather than spinners. Yes, we have a little dark part in us comes out that wants to know we won by skill and not chance.

It is important to carve out time for just family. We live in a busy world where weeks fly by like hours and it is easy to miss out on family time. Kids who spend time as a family normally do better in school and have better self esteem. Spending time together keeps everyone on track and connected. There are many ways to implement family time. Family Game Nights are among the most fun, easiest and least expensive. In fact, you can throw one together on a night you look around and realize you are all home at the same time.

Recently, I have been introduced by a few top quality games from MindWare. MindWare is an online store specializing in educational toys from blocks to science projects. If you seek to bring a new element of thought and fun to your Family Game Night, I have some great suggestions for games the whole family can play.


Qwirkle has been honored with the Parent’s Choice Gold Award, Mensa Select Award, and the Major Fun Award. Age suggestions are for 6 and up, but I my 5 year old was able to play without help. The concept is simple; a player is to match tiles by color and/or shape. However, do not mistake the simplicity for lack of substance or interest. This game is for thinkers and master strategists. We all enjoyed this game. It fulfilled our need for a thinking and strategic game yet left plenty of room for fun and laughter.


Q-Bitz is the proud winner of the Major Fun Award and iParenting Media Award. Game has an age recommendation of 8 and up. I would say that age range fits the game perfectly. This game, like Qwirkle was created by MindWare. This is a visual, fast paced game that tests memory. Scared yet? There are three rounds and each presents a different challenge based on the same theme. You are using cubes to match patterns and create a pattern from memory. Talk about a mind game that elicits laughter! I think I spent more time laughing at myself than anything else. We loved this game and played it three times in a row.

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.