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Family Genealogy Newsletter

Once you have had a family reunion that has focused on genealogy you may want to create a newsletter to help the people interested in doing the genealogy work on the family in touch. This can allow you to share what you have found, and to learn more about the family in the process. Depending on the interest of the group you could have several sections in the newsletter. You could also print it out and mail it or email it to people.

One section should be an update of work done, or a place where people can share where they are stumped. This could include publishing contact information so that people can exchange information. If privacy is an issue, the editor can be the go between, and connect people. This is a vital part of keeping the genealogy for your family going forward.

Another section of the newsletter could feature a specific family line or ancestor and share briefly about this person’s life and legacy. The editor could assign this article out to various family members to write. It would make more sense for a child to write about his father than for a cousin to in most instances.

Another section could be an announcements section. This could carry good news and life events with everyone in the family. It is a great way to build friendships and help everyone to stay in touch.

A newsletter can be a lot of work, and for an instance like this a semi annual newsletter is probably best. The key is to send out reminder letters or emails requesting information and then to put the newsletter together. It is best to have the information all go to the same place. Setting up a website can provide the same information. You could do a website or a blog and accomplish the same thing.

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Your Own Genealogy Website

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