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Family Home Evening: Forgiveness

This week’s family home evening lesson is on forgiveness. This is loosely based on the General conference talk “The Healing Power of Forgiveness.” This is great topic to teach even your youngest children. It is important for children to learn how to forgive. You should also point out that if we are struggling to forgive others that the Atonement can help us to forgive others as well.

You can open the lesson by sharing Doctrine and Covenants 64:10 with your family. Discuss the scripture. You may want to ask your children whom they should forgive. If your children are all old enough you may want to share the story about the Amish that President Faust tells in his talk. Then you can discuss the ways that the Amish showed their forgiveness. Additionally you should talk about what forgiveness really is. You may want to read the definition from the dictionary as a family. Then you should talk about things that can help you to forgive others. You can talk about how forgiveness brings you relief and hope.

If you have younger children you may want to use simpler stories. You may also want to talk about how Christ was able to forgive those who crucified Him. You can explain that when you forgive someone you stop feeling angry or hurt for what they did to you. You may want to focus on some common things that little children must forgive such as minor fights and name-calling.

You should also talk about how the Atonement not only allows us to repent it helps us to forgive. We need to recognize that the Lord can forgive us as well. These are very important concepts for children to learn. You may need to review them periodically.

Remember to include music in your family home evenings. You may also want to have an activity at the end of the lesson. You should have refreshments as well.

Related Articles:


General Conference: “The Healing Power of Forgiveness”

Family Home Evening: Repentance