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Family Home Evening Game: The Liahona and the Holy Ghost

Object: to show family members how the Liahona led Lehi’s family according to faith and obedience, and how the Holy Ghost guides us today as we follow the commandments.

Preparation: make or buy a treat and put it in a box, then hide the box somewhere in or near your home. Frozen treats not recommended.

Choose where you want to conduct this activity. For some, their yard would work the best. Others would prefer to remain in the house. We used our neighborhood, as we live in a quiet area.

Take your family out to the center of an open area. Tell them that they are in the wilderness and they don’t know which way to go. They will need to follow the Liahona in order to find their Promised Land.

Explain that you will play a game like “Simon Says,” except this game is called “Liahona Says.” You will act as the Liahona and tell your family which way to go, using such language as, “Liahona says, go three steps to your right.” If you are in your home, you can have them take smaller steps. If you are outside, you can say, “Liahona says, run to that tree.” Scale the game to your location.

After making your family wander around for a little bit, ask them how they would feel if they had to go all the way back to the start and then come all the way back. Explain that Nephi and his brothers did this not once, but twice, as they journeyed into the wilderness and returned to Jerusalem twice. Explain that the Lord wanted to teach them about faith and obedience by sending them back.

As you continue to give your family directions, ask them to do some unusual things. “Liahona says, quack like a duck. Liahona says, touch your toes.” At the end of the activity, ask them why they were asked to do such strange things. Explain that God’s commandments don’t always make sense, but they are always for our best good.

Just like the Liahona only worked according to obedience, if your family starts to quarrel, immediately fold your arms and turn away from them. Wait until they ask you for the next instructions before you explain that the Liahona can’t work when people are fighting. They should kiss and make up before receiving their next instructions.

At the end, direct your family to the treat. While you’re eating, explain that the Holy Ghost works as our Liahona today. As we strive to live the commandments and to stay close to the Lord, the Holy Ghost will guide and direct us in the paths we should take.

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