In continuing with the idea of using General Conference talks for family home evening lessons, I’ve pulled some ideas from “Do It Now” and “Three Goals to Guide You.” This lesson will focus on the things that each individual and family needs to be doing to grow spiritually. Then it will focus on the importance of doing those things now, and removing the things that may be standing in your way. This lesson can also be used in conjunction with the Building Your Testimony lesson.
You can open your lesson by reviewing the scripture Alma 32:28. This scripture focuses on faith and the ways that you can have your faith grow. It compares faith to a seed. If you have enough time you may consider sprouting a few seeds so that your children can see the different stages of the sprouts. Additionally you may want to show a stronger plant, and a plant that has withered and died. (If you did this in the previous lesson, you may want to look at your children’s bean sprouts.)
Ask your children what habits they need to form now that their testimonies have begun to grow. Your children should mention the three things that President Monson mentions in his talk which are study the scriptures, pray, and serve others. You may want to choose specific quotes about each topic to share with your children. Take the time to talk about specific examples of things they can do to follow this counsel.
Next you should talk to your children about how these things will help to strengthen their testimonies. Ask your children what may be standing in their way of doing these things. Discuss any difficulties you may be having in doing these activities as a family. You may want to share the story that Elder Hallstrom gives about being compared to a sloth. Then you can encourage your children to not be slothful.
Finally you should close the lesson by each choosing one personal goal to work on and one family goal to work on. You may want to have a sticker chart that each person can add to when they complete the daily goal. Once it is filled up the family earns a treat.
Do not forget to open and close with a prayer. Singing is a great way to bring the spirit into the lesson as well. And of course refreshments make the night more fun.
Related Articles:
Young Men: “Do It Now”
Relief Society: “Three Goals to Guide You”
Family Home Evening: Building Your Testimony