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Family Home Evening Using Sharing Time Themes

One thing I want to write about is how to incorporate the theme that the children are learning in Sharing Time each month into the teaching we do in our homes. This month’s theme is “Follow the Prophet.” The song that the children are learning is “Follow the Prophet.” This month “The Friend” has the figures of the prophets mentioned in the song available as flannel board figures to cut out. For those unfamiliar with the song it is about prophets from the Old Testament so the figures include Adam, Enoch, Noah and Jonah, just to name a few.

One easy way to incorporate this into your family home evenings is to teach the story about each prophet and then teach the verse to the song with your family. It is an easy lesson to prepare, and will give your kids a firm grasp on the Bible stories that go with each of the prophets. You can choose one or two stories to do each week for family home evening. If your children are older you might want to plan a game in which the children match the story with the prophet.

Another thing is to talk about the leaders of our Church today, and this would be a great way to help get your children ready for General Conference next month. Show a picture of President Hinckley and talk about how he is going to speak to us today, and we should listen to him just like people in the Bible listened to their prophets.

If you don’t receive “The Friend” at home, the materials are available at www.lds.org. The church’s web site is a great source of information, and they have a lot of stories and pictures available to use at home. Do you have any suggestions about how to carry the theme home for your family? What works best for you? I’d love to hear your suggestions.