I am so grateful for Father’s Day to celebrate both my own father and my husband. I have been so blessed to see good men in my life that set an example of how to be a good Dad, but also how to support a family no matter how hard it is.
Father’s day didn’t turn out quite like we planned. I wanted to get up and make my hubby breakfast with the kids. But, instead, I was sick with a cold. I managed to occupy the kids with a craft for their Dad, though and give him a little time to himself. We made a book all about the best Dad in the world. The kids enjoyed it and their Daddy loved it! After a lazy start at home, we went to church.
My thoughts were turned to my Heavenly Father as a great talk was given about His Divine Nature and how we should love Him as we love our own earthly fathers. And, how He in turn loves us as our own earthly fathers do and even more. The primary children sang one of my favorite songs about dads. Daddy’s Homecoming. Listen to it here. As usual the children did a great job, and everyone was touched by seeing their sweet smiling faces pay tribute to their fathers.
The Bishop spoke for a minute about how much he loved that song. He said that he could imagine that one day when we meet our Heavenly Father again that we might just “wrap our arms around his neck”, “pat his cheeks” and “give him a great big kiss” because we will be so happy to greet Him. That mental image made me long to give my Heavenly Father a hug and my earthly Father who lives far away from me. I know how much my Dad misses having me close by, and I can only imagine how much my Heavenly Father misses me (and all of his children on this earth) too.
I’m grateful for a Heavenly Father that loves me. He may be disappointed from time to time in my decisions, but He loves me regardless and can’t wait for me to complete my earthly mission and return home to Him.
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*Photo courtesy of Morguefile.com