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Fault Finding

nullI’m going to leave the book of Nehemiah for a little and come back to it at a later date. Instead I’d like to look at something which is a common problem in society, in our churches and even in our families – that is finding fault.

In Luke 5:29 and onward we see Levi who had recently been called by Jesus as one of his followers. This tax collector was called to a new life. But he hadn’t quite left the old. He wanted all his old friends to meet Jesus.

Do you and I make any effort to for our friends to meet Jesus? Do we invite them to church or Bible study where they will learn more about Him? Do they see the attitudes of Jesus reflected in the way we live our lives and the way we treat others? Or are we like the Pharisees?

The Pharisees heard about the party Levi held and what did they do? They grumbled and complained. Jesus knew these people’s hearts. He knew they, like each of us, had a great need – they needed to find a way to deal with the sin in their lives. Jesus could help them, as He can help us.

The Pharisees however, were only ever looking to find fault. There are people like that today, in society, even in our churches, seeking to find fault. Are you one of them?

Instead of listening to the answer Jesus gave, verses 31 and 32, the Pharisees were busy preparing their next complaint against Jesus and his followers, verse 33. Are you one who moves on without listening to what Jesus is telling you? It is easy to read a bible passage and skim over it without really listening to what God is saying to us through it. Let’s each be aware of that problem and take the time to really listen and apply God’s Word to our lives and not be only fault finders like the Pharisees

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