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Favorite Romance Movies

While talking to Mick the other day about my blog on romance novels, he suggested another topic could be romantic movies. So, I’ve decided to compile a few of my favorite romantic movies. A couple you might find on other lists. Some, I’m sure, you will not. And maybe that’s because I define romantic a little differently to popular opinion.

Here’s my short list. They are in no particular order, but as they occurred to me. All of them are films that Mick and I watched together, which tells you that he’s a romantic at heart too – though he mightn’t always admit it.

The Notebook – Adapted from the novel by Nicholas Sparks, this is a powerful love story of a true and abiding love and the commitment of one long married person to the other despite Alzheimer’s. This is perhaps my favorite romance because Noah is totally committed to Allie ‘for better or worse.’

I had read the book before I saw the movie and howled like a baby at the book. I still became totally involved with Noah and Allie. James Garner is brilliant. You feel every emotion with him. This is love that has stood the test of time.

Friendly Persuasion– Adapted from The Friendly Persuasion and Except for Me and Thee by Jessamyn West, this is not what most people would consider a romance. It is set during the civil war times and about a Quaker family.I loved the relationship between Jess Birdwell and his wife Eliza, who have a grown son and daughter and little Jess.

The incident with the organ and then the barn scene never fails to delight. And it’s all done without the audience having to see every little detail. Because it is left to the imagination it actually works far better than the obligatory sex scene of today’s movies. If you haven’t seen this film, I suggest you go and find it. It is my favorite movie of all time. It shows love that has stood the test of time and differences of opinion.

The love song sung by Pat Boone at the beginning is a bonus.

An Affair to Remember –Who could resist a movie with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr? This is the romantic movie that snippets of crop up in so many other romantic comedies e.g. Sleepless in Seattle to mention one. Yes, it’s sentimental but what’s wrong with that? This is a classic. One I have on DVD and have watched numerous times. Gary Grant was gorgeous as usual and Deborah Kerr a real lady. These actors knew how to pull the viewer into the story.

Join me next time for the rest of my list and Mick’s contribution and I’d love to hear your favorites too.

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