I read an article recently about having courage that got me thinking about some of the decisions I make in my own life. Do I make them because they are safe? Or, do I make them because they are the right choice for me?
As a child, I was very timid. I always wanted my sister, who was younger, to try something first. I would see it was OK, then I would jump in to whatever the task at hand was. I was hardly ever the instigator. As an adult, I have overcome a lot of my fears. For example, I’m not afraid to go up to a stranger anymore and strike up a conversation. In fact, I usually love talking to people, and I would definitely call myself a people person. I want people around me most of the time. But, even as adults we are afraid. At least, I am.
I have a lot of anxiety and worry, mostly. But, same difference right? I worry about something happening to my kids, I worry about being a good enough mother, I worry about whether or not I may have offended someone with a comment I made, I worry about whether or not my husband is happy in his job, etc. etc. I could go on and on listing my worries until they were a mile long. But, I ask myself, could I do the same thing about things I know for a fact, or things that I am sure of? Could I list as many things that I feel safe and secure about?
In the Bible it says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).
I think the spirit of fear gives us a lot of things like unnecessary worry. I feel like one of my biggest trials in this life is learning to let go, and trust God. Trust that He does know me, He does hear my prayers, and He does know what is best for me in my life. If I TRULY believed that everyday, what is there to worry about as long as I continue to make good choices?
For me, it is an everyday battle to overcome. Yet, I’m able to let go in some aspects of my life and say, whatever happens, will happen. I have to just accept it. Yet, some part of me still wants to control! But, can I ever be fully in control of what happens to me or my family? No. So, why not fear not?
But, I think it is more than having no fear. In the scripture it says that God has given us power, love, and a sound mind. That means, power to make choices that are good for us despite our fears to do otherwise, love to reach out to others even when we are afraid of getting hurt ourselves, and a sound mind to govern ourselves on this earth, and know that a loving Heavenly Father is caring for us and watching over us. That He knows best.
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