How do you feel about science? What kinds of things come to mind when you think about science? Maybe you think about chemistry and biology. Maybe you think about doctors and medicine. Maybe you think about experiments and tests. Maybe you think about stem cells and evolution. More than likely your view of science depends on your experience with the subject. However, your view of science is probably also influenced by your faith in God. With all the talk of things such as embryonic stem cell research and evolution, does your faith in God cause you to fear science?
I hope that your answer to the question above is a firm “no;” however, my experience tells me that your answer just might be “yes.” I am fairly experienced in the field of science: my undergraduate work and graduate work are both in science and my work outside of involves the field of science.
I want to start off my discussion here with the fact that I do not think that all science is good, accurate science. Satan has many, many tools and I truly believe he has used certain theories in science to test people’s faith in God. Theories such as evolution and the big bang have undercut the Bible and have led many people astray. But should such false theories cause Christians to fear science?
I certainly think not. Interestingly, some scientific discoveries have confirmed things which were written in the Bible long before they were known. For instance, look at Isaiah 40:21-23 in which Isaiah writes that the Lord “sits above the circle of the earth.” Consider how long people considered the world flat rather than a sphere. Yet the Bible was accurate regarding that fact.
I think when considering what type of attitude you take toward science you should consider one important thing: all matters in the world should be weighed for the good and the bad. Satan has many wiles in all areas of life which all must constantly strive to overcome. Science has many things to offer the world and there are many Christians working as Scientists who firmly believe that God created the world in six days as the Bible states in Genesis chapter one. As a scientist, I am constantly amazed by God’s creation the more I dig and learn about it. The more I dig and learn about it, the more convinced I am that it had to be created by the Almighty Creator, God.
Over the next few weeks I will be writing on facing scientific problems such as evolution in the classroom.