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Feeling Guilty and Sharing Happiness

Another aspect of not taking responsibility for actions is one person trying to lay a guilt trip on their spouse. Often it occurs where they are plainly in the wrong but instead of admitting it, they get around it my making others feel guilty. This is often is done by sly comments making yourself out it be a better person or more spiritual or forgiving or whatever. Mick and I have been on the receiving end of such comment before today, not so much from each other but from others if we didn’t do what they thought we should. We struck an example of that yesterday. So it’s something to be aware of.

But enough of the negatives, let’s concentrate now on some positives and ways to make your marriage better. Yesterday Mick and I were up at the local school. Together we were teaching two classes and then he stays on at the school for a third class and I come home. Before we parted we kissed each other goodbye as we usually do, even though he was only going to be away less than an hour. And yes we both caught the amused look from an adult walking past us at the time. Did we care? No, we did not.

Kissing hello and goodbye is something we have always done and is part of us showing we love each other. He might only be going up the shop for ten minutes. It makes no difference. In a marriage it’s important to show your spouse that you love them. Physical affection is good for that.

Later that day I finally finished and sent back the proofs for Streets on a Map, my soon to be published novel. Mick congratulated me, with hugs and kisses. He knew what a big effort it had been and how hard I’d worked to get it right. ‘We should break out champagne and celebrate.’ he said.

We didn’t. But we sure will when it’s published. Rejoicing with your spouse in achievements big and small is a great way to maintain a relationship with your spouse.

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