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Feeling Invisible? Need a Little Notice?

I would consider myself a “4” on the recognition scale–I don’t really crave a great deal of notoriety or recognition, and many times I actually prefer to be working behind the scenes–but I’m not a total wallflower either. Understanding how much attention and recognition you crave or need from your work efforts can help you in choosing the right home business and going about your business operations in a way that will “suit your needs.”

Let’s face it, some of us love the limelight and some of us don’t; some of us need to have our ideas, products, services, or whatever recognized and celebrated–we may even crave awards, media attention and other more public forms of recognition. I am not passing a value judgment here, just pointing out that if we need some recognition for our work and our home business, then we should probably admit that and make choices accordingly. Toiling away in isolation and anonymity is not going to make someone who craves recognition very happy. Without a company or the built-in systems of a more established and traditional job, a small home business can be pretty lacking in the recognition department.

My suggestions are to get involved in your community–your chamber of commerce, civic and business groups, and volunteer work. You can promote your business, do good deeds and attract some recognition and attention for your efforts and your business. If you are someone who really needs that group interaction and to have people pat you on the back for your contributions, you can get those needs met even if you are working on your own in a small home business. If you are drawn to working on your own because you don’t really want or need a great deal of external validation for your work–than a small home business may be the perfect fit.

Also: Can You Offer More Customized Products and Services?

Do You Need More Recognition?