Remember drawing pie charts in school? It starts with a big round circle that represents the whole of something, then you divide the whole up into sections that represent the “pieces” of the whole. I’ve found that when my life is feeling really crazy and out of balance, sketching out a pie chart of how things stand can help me to see what is out of whack and where there’s room to level things out. I assign pieces of the pie in proportion to how it feels they are actually functioning in my life–by size and percentage.
For me, the main sections of my world are: family, work for pay, my more “artistic” and soulful writing work, spirituality, social life, exercise and movement, and rest and self-care. Sometimes, I’ll even draw out pie charts for other situations, such as evaluating whether I am spending enough time with all of my kids. I’m a pretty visual person, so seeing an approximation of my life written down onto a piece of paper helps me get a handle on why I’m feeling out of balance.
Of course, sketching out the pie chart demands some honesty and self-awareness. We have to be willing to be honest if we really are spending 80% of our time at work. Otherwise, the charting doesn’t really do any good.
You might find, as I have occasionally, that an “ideal” chart can be helpful too. Comparing what you think your ideal, balanced life would look like with how things stand as they are can be a good way to see where you need to make adjustments and reorganize your time. There’s really just something about taking the time to sit down and draw out a chart that feels like a productive and thoughtful way of gaining perspective–especially when it feels like things are flying out of control.