It seems that my kitchen always needs work. As organized as I am, the kitchen quickly gets out of control. The first problem is that the set up is bad. My kitchen was remodeled at some time in the past and let’s just say the skills of the remodeler left something to be desired. The floor plan is all wrong, there is a cabinet between the sink and the dishwasher which means water is always dripped on the floor when loading the dishwasher, and that is just the beginning of what’s wrong.
Since I can’t afford to remodel my kitchen right now I’m always looking for ways to make it more useful and welcoming. While I was searching for ideas I came across Feng shui for the kitchen. It sounds like a good idea so maybe I’ll give it a try. According to Feng Shui the kitchen is central to a successful life, a cluttered dirty kitchen has dirty energy. It’s worth a try, my kitchen can certainly be more user friendly.
Some of the things they suggest, besides keeping your kitchen clean and organizing it into work areas based on what you do where, are basic things we all should do anyway but Feng Shui links these things to being successful in other areas of your life.
• A clean and properly functioning stove is symbolic of a properly functioning life.
• Leaking faucets symbolize the draining of wealth. As soon as I read that I shut off the water in the house- the money should start pouring in any minute now!
• Ensure your kitchen is well ventilated for a good flow of energy.
• Stale food creates stale energy, get rid of it!
• Keep the fire elements (stove) away from water elements (refrigerator and sink)
• The stove represents health and wealth so use your burners in rotation.
• Eat slowly with your family so the energy in your home is relaxed and calm.
I’m thinking there may be something to this Feng Shui stuff, my poor stove is sandwiched right between the refrigerator and the sink; no wonder I am not healthier, wealthier and wiser!