My friend just adopted a new puppy. Charger is a Black Lab who has enough energy to power an entire city. Like most feisty pups his age, Charger is running the show at my pal’s home, though the family is loving every minute of the new addition’s introductory phase.
The past two weeks have been filled with puppy playing, potty-training and picture-taking. Lots of picture-taking. In fact, my friend estimates that she likely has more photos of Charger as a young pup than she does of her oldest son as a baby.
Fortunately, all those shots will be put to good use in a scrapbook dedicated to Charger’s first year of life. Construction on the memory book is already underway. Some of the layouts include:
Charger’s story: How he became a part of the family, details of his adoption day and how he was rescued by a farmer the day after he was born.
Background: Information about Charger’s breed and pertinent medical information. If your pet is a pure breed, you might consider incorporating the history of the breed in your layout. Include where the breed originated from and any major characteristics of the breed. If your pet is a mixed breed, then you might opt to briefly outline outstanding characteristics of each breed. Don’t forget to add photos of your pet’s parents or siblings, if you can get your hands on some.
Name: Includes journaling on how my friend’s family chose Charger’s name.
Description: My friend created a layout which features words that describe Charger as a new pup. You could do the same with your pet, even if he has been a part of the family for a while. Simply, use stickers or stamps to create words that describe your pet’s unique personality. Incorporate colorful adjectives and include photos of your pet, which reflect the adjectives. For example, if your dog is ball of energy, then use descriptive adjectives and couple them with photos of your pup jumping, wagging his tail and running around.
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