Another candy joins the fight against bad teeth: those sweet, colorful Gummy Bears! As long as those Gummy Bears are sweetened with xylitol, that is.
Xylitol is a naturally-occurring sugar alcohol that is often used as a sugar substitute. Studies have shown that xylitol can help reduce levels of a particular kind of bacteria (mutans streptococci) in plaque. You may have seen xylitol as an ingredient in sugar-free chewing gum! However, gum isn’t usually recommended for younger children — it’s all too easy for a young child to chew and swallow gum, rather than just chew it.
A study from the University of Washington gave Gummy Bears sweetened with xylitol to school-aged children. The children had just four Gummy Bears three times per day. After six weeks of the sugar-free snacks, the levels of mutans streptococci (MS) were significantly reduced. With lower bacteria levels in the mouth, there is a lower chance of developing tooth decay.
Based on these preliminary results, the University of Washington has developed a clinical trial for a gummy-based cavity prevention program — that trial is currently underway in an Ohio elementary school district. For younger children, gummy treats is a safer method of delivering xylitol than chewing gum.
If the clinical trial goes well, we may see Gummy Bears and other gummy treats sweetened with xylitol being widely promoted for oral health. Imagine going to the dentist and coming home with candy! Grownups do have the option of chewing gum that is sweetened with xylitol to help reduce plaque-causing bacteria. (Personally, I wouldn’t mind eating Gummy Bears, too!)
A word of warning: candies sweetened with xylitol may be good for human teeth but can be deadly to pets. This particular sweetener may cause liver failure in dogs, according to a 2006 report from the ASPCA. So if you do keep xylitol-sweetened candies and gum in the house, keep them away from pets.