In addition to finding ways to improve the lives of your customers and clients, one great business tactic is to look for, and find a void—and then step in to fill it. This is also known as “filling a niche” or “creating a market”—where are there gaps, holes, and needs? And what can you and your business do to fill them?
I know that it is easy to start to think that everything has been done; every base has been covered, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Look around your industry or the market in which you conduct business and chances are you will see all sorts of voids. Have you ever caught yourself saying something like, “Someone ought to…”? Well, why can’t that someone be you and your business? Some really great businesses have been built simply by someone noticing a need and then attempting to solve the problem.
Often there are voids when it comes to service delivery or supplies or even a supply line. For example, if you are in the housecleaning business—what is lacking in your community? Are there customers who would like a “green” housekeeper—one who uses environmentally-friendly cleaning products and processes? Perhaps, while you are doing your housecleaning, you notice that some of your clients could really use help with grocery shopping, bill-paying or errands. Noticing those voids and then finding a way that your business can step in and fill them is a great way to grow and build your business AND develop strong customer loyalty amongst your market.
So, if you are looking for ways to grow your business or ways to improve the efficiency of your current operations—look for holes. Look for places where there is a need or a lack and then see if there isn’t some way that you can solve the problem and fill the void.
Also: Turning Specialized Knowledge Into a Home Business