I am heading into my final semester of middle school for my oldest child. I remember the transition to middle school was not easy. Perhaps it was easy for her but for me I feared making mistakes. I feared I would not prepare her well enough for the high school years. I feared not being able to teach the upper level grades properly. It seems like seventh and eighth grade are flying by without a chance to catch my breath. Soon I will be the parent of a high school student. Can that even be possible? She is my first child and growing up way too fast. Thankfully, she is growing up to be a child I am immensely proud of in every way. She amazes me with her intelligence and her sense of humor. Perhaps I made it though these past two years pretty well to have a hand in this amazing girl’s life.
I am finding the final lap of middle school to be bittersweet. All transitions in child’s life that reminds you they will soon fly the nest are bittersweet. We want them to grow yet we shudder at the reminders that one day they will no longer be our babies. As she prepares for high school I am bracing myself and wishing I had a few more years. She is only four years away from college! Four years! How is that possible? It makes me hug my three year old a little tighter since I can see how fast the time goes. Yet, I am excited to see what she will accomplish and who she will become. I almost cannot wait to find out what she will major in during the college year and what career path she will take. The same anticipation I had when my husband and I wondered what her favorite color would be or her favorite book.
So, as we head into the New Year and around the Middle School track with her one more time, we will do purposefully and gratefully.