You may have decided to take on an extra job or you may be considering quitting your current position to stay at home with your children. These decisions will affect your quality of life and your ability to meet your financial obligations. It is important to consider these four aspects as you consider taking on more work or cutting back.
1) The biggest factor in this decision is determining whether or not you truly need the extra money. If you do you then the decision is pretty obvious. You may consider looking at areas that you can cut back your spending, so that you do not need to take the extra job. If you are already working, then look at the areas that you can save money by being home.
2) It is important to consider how much your job will cost you in order to do it. It does not make sense to drive forty-five minutes to work for six dollars an hour for example. You should consider the increase in childcare costs. You may also need to look at where you are in the tax bracket, and if this will push up into a higher tax rate. (This will only make a difference if you are working part-time and the amount you make would be minimal.)
3) Consider how you can make the most money with your time. You can make money freelancing in your field of work. If you have an area that you specialize in, you can provide services at a higher rate. A job, in which you make minimum wage, might not be worth the headache and stress. Also the more that you make per hour the less you will need to work.
4) You should also decide if this is a long-term solution or a temporary thing to get you through a rough patch. If it is temporary you may work longer hours, so that you can fix the problem much quicker. If it is long-term you may spend more time finding an ideal solution for your family.
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